Writing a paper
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Courtship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Romance - Essay Example Mirroring the striking hues and tempting scents nature enriches on other living animals for requiring shared fascination which is an essential to sexual fulfillment, ladies have embraced sexual explanations through their clothing and fragrances. Despite the fact that men have likewise taken up this undertaking in the end, the sum to which a female attempts to pull in somebody from the other gender through ‘make-up’ is a lot higher. The most noticeable angle through which sexual intriguingness is accomplished is the utilization of lipstick. In psychoanalytical readings, the emblematic essentialness of lips is identified with the genital organ, and the manners by which ladies attempt to feature their lips uncovers their inner mind aching to communicate explicitly. In each culture, a young lady with profoundly hued lips sends the message of sexual attractive quality. The advancements in women’s clothing during that time had been stunning. The confined imaginativeness in men’s clothing clarifies which sexual orientation is progressively keen on pulling in the other through dress. While the internal wear of men fills a useful need with the exception of in not many exhibitionistic cases, women’s inward wear is under a steady transition of design proclamations. Moreover, the general dress examples of ladies experience significantly more changes than men’s dress would ever strive for. There isn't a lot of extension for men to emphasize their body parts through their dress while ladies could look over fluctuating degrees of intriguingness and presentation through smart methods of dressing. The restorative items focused on female clients flourish stores while there are just a couple of number of such items for men. The time a normal lady spends on a haircut or her skin tone is adequate to clarify the nearness of such a signif icant number of ladies focused beauty care products in the market. The general prepping of a young lady to turn into an appropriate woman happens from the second she is conceived, while young men are not commonly prepared to get the same number of characteristics to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Pestal Analysis of Airline Industry in India free essay sample
Financial matters Project Submitted To : suhana malik Submitted By :raJbeer kaur Enrollment no. :m 8023863880 Class Roll NO : 62 Course : MBA Company Chosen: British Airways Existing Line of Business: Aviation New Market: Indian Aviation Industry British Airways Future Indian Plans: British Airways worldwide CEO Willie Walsh sees India as one of the quickest developing aeronautics showcases on the planet. Walsh, who was in Mumbai on September third, 2010 to declare a code-share concurrence with Kingfisher Airlines, says that in spite of the aircraft confronting mounting rivalry from other universal transporters working in India, he isn't concerned as India has tremendous development potential and every player can have a tolerable pie of the growing business sector. On the other side, he tells that however the fate of the flight business is solidification and numerous outside transporters need to put resources into India, Indian law doesn't allow them to do as such. Mr. Willie Walsh stated, India is the second biggest market for us after the US. Truth be told, after the downturn, India was among the quickest areas to recuperate from the defeat. We are working all through India for as far back as quite a few years and will keep on o so in a solidified manner. We have an immense client base here we despite everything discover development openings in the district. In spite of the fact that I cannot uncover income subtleties from India, I have consistently said that India will be one of the greatest flight showcases later on and unmistakably, we need to have an extremely solid nearness in this market. PESTLE Analysis: The Indian Airline Industry Political Factors industry existing in the nation. Like it or not, the political impedance must be available all over the place. Given beneath are a couple of the political components as for the aircraft business: The aircraft business is truly vulnerable to changes in the world of politics as it has an incredible bearing on the movement propensities for its clients. A shaky world of politics causes vulnerability in the psyches of the air voyagers, in regards to making a trip to a specific nation. By and large Indias late world of politics has been to a great extent flimsy because of global occasions proceeded with strain with Pakistan. The Gujarat revolts the legislatures powerlessness to control the circumstance have likewise prompted an expansion in the flimsiness of the political field. The most critical political occasion anyway has been September 1 . The occasions happening on September had uncommon noteworthiness for the aircraft business since planes were included. The prompt outcomes were an immense drop in air traffic because of wellbeing security worries of the individuals. Universal carriers are enormously influenced in terms of professional career relations that their nation has with others. Except if administrations of the two nations exchange with one another, there could be limitations of flying into specific zone prompting lost potential air traffic (e. . Pakistan India) Another perspective is that in nations with high defilement levels like India, pay-offs have o be paid for each grant permit required. Consequently consistent liasoning with the pastor other government official is important. The state claimed carriers experience the ill effects of this issue. These aircrafts need to make a few unique contemplations as for choice of courses, free seats t o priests, and so forth which an exclusive carrier need not do. The state possessed carriers likewise experiences antiquated laws applying just to them, for example, the retirement age of the pursers ladies, the work guidelines which make the administration less adaptable in taking ecision because of the nearness of a solid association, the overwhelming control obstruction of the legislature. This influences the nature of the administration conveyance along these lines these carriers need to consider creative help showcasing thoughts to go around their issues rival the private administrators. Financial Factors Business cycles have a wide arriving at sway on the carrier business. During downturn, carrier is viewed as an extravagance hence spending on air travel is sliced which prompts lessen costs. During flourishing stage individuals entertain themselves with movement costs increment. After the September 11 episodes, the world economy dove into worldwide downturn because of the discouraged slant of customers. In India, even an organization like Citibank given top of the line railroad tickets rather than boarding passes. The loss of salary for aircrafts prompted higher operational expenses because of low interest as well as because of higher protection costs, which expanded after the WTC besieging. This provoked the business to lay off workers, which further fuelled the downturn as spending diminished because of the ascent in joblessness. Indeed, even the SARS episode in the Far East was a significant reason for droop in the carrier business. Indeed, even the Indian bearers like Air India was profoundly influenced the same number of flights were dropped because of inward (representative relations) just as outside issues, which has been talked about later. Social Factors The changing travel propensities for individuals have extremely wide ramifications for the carrier business. In a nation like India, there are individuals from changed salary gatherings. The carriers need to perceive these people and should serve them in like manner. Air India needs to concentrate on their customer base which are generally low salary customers their propensities so as to keep them fulfilled. The goal, sort of food and so forth all has o be picked cautiously as per the flavors of their significant customer base. Particularly, since India is a place that is known for boundaries there are individuals from different religions and positions and each individual going by the aircraft would anticipate that customization should the best conceivable degree. For e. g. A Jain would be happy with the administration just on the off chance that he is served Jain food and it ought to be remembered that the clients close to him are additionally Jain or if nothing else veggie lover. Another genuine model would be the situation of South West Airlines which involves a strong situation in the psyches of the US air voyagers as a dependable and advantageous, fun, ow passage, and straightforward aircraft. The significant component of its prosperity was the enlarged advertising blend which it utilized viably. What South West did was it made nature inside the plane very shopper agreeable. The team neither has any uniform nor does it serve any luxurious nourishments, which in a roundabout way lessens the expenses and causes the shoppers to feel good. Mechanical Factors The expanding utilization of the Internet has given numerous chances to carriers. For e. g. Air Sahara has presented a help, through the web wherein the empty seats are sold multi week preceding the takeoff. Air India additionally gives numerous web based administrations to its client, for example, online ticket booking, refreshed flight data treatment of client grumblings. USTDA (US exchange improvement affiliation) is subsidizing a possibility study and workshops for the Airports Authority of India as a major aspect of a drawn out exertion to advance route, observation, and air traffic the board frameworks for Indias avionics division that will enable the nation to meet the normal development and interest for air traveler and load administration throughout the following decade. A proposition for rebuilding the current air terminals at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Kolkata through long haul rent to make them world class is getting looked at. This will help in pulling in interests in improving the framework and administrations at these air terminals. Setting up of new global air terminals at Bangalore, Hyderabad and Goa with private division interest is likewise imagined. A genuine case of the effect of innovation would be that of AAI, wherein with the assistance of innovation it has changed over its old and unused overhangs into benefit focuses. AAI is presently renting these overhangs to global carriers and is procuring colossal benefits out of it. AAI has likewise attempted to use space that was recently squandered introducing an overlay machine to cover the baggage of voyagers. This action wins AAI a ton of income. These mechanical changes in the earth affect Air India also. Better air terminal framework, implies better treatment of planes, which can help lessen support cost. It likewise encourages more trips to such goals. Lawful Factors Prior to 1953, there were 9 private carriers in activity with such a large number of surplus airplane and the aircraft business was wiped out. There was no serious condition in the onopolized aeronautics showcase.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Blog Archive Friday Factoid CBSThe MBA Program That Never Sleeps
Blog Archive Friday Factoid CBSThe MBA Program That Never Sleeps With the month of December upon us, first-year Columbia Business School (CBS) students are entering the last big push of their first semester, with finals wrapping up and the next semester not beginning until mid-January. The end of regular classes is traditionally marked by CBS Follies, a student-run comedy and entertainment show, as well as an End of Semester Party, and those looking to stay involved with CBS and with their classmates during the holiday break have plenty of opportunities to do so. Many students go abroad during the break to such places as Korea, Brazil and Australia on Chazen Study Trips or consulting projects through the International Development Club. And students wishing for a complete break from the classroom can take part in the Snow Sports Clubs annual Winter Ski Trip in early January. Although the long break can offer a welcome rest from the stress of first-semester classes, recruiting season for first years begins once they return to campus for second semester. So, one way or another, this is a good time for CBS students to clear their heads. For more information on Columbia Business School or 13 other leading MBA programs, check out the mbaMission Insider’s Guides. Share ThisTweet Columbia University (Columbia Business School) Friday Factoids
Monday, May 25, 2020
We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Protect the...
We Must Fight for the Constitutional Amendment to Protect the American Flag Free speech and the First Amendment rights do not give people lisence to desecrate a symbol of pride and freedom. It is not all right to protect those who let it burn, lighting up the sky with their hatred. It definitely is not acceptable to insult the men and women who fight every day to protect this nation by burning the symbol of their labors. Therefore, it is crucial that the Supreme Court pass the amendment to the Constitution to protect the flag of the US. When people see â€Å"Old Glory†flying, the experience should take their breath away. From the Omaha beaches in Normandy, where over three million soldiers stormed the German Nazis, to Iwo Jima, where†¦show more content†¦The flag of the United States has carried the same pride and symbolism for almost two-hundred and thirty years. Millions of American men and women have died to protect what it symbolizes: the freedom and rights of everyone who claims that flag. Moreover, it stands for the people who gave up their lives to defend this country. Yet some disrespectful people still defame that symbol with impunity. In outbursts all over the world, people burn, spit upon, or defile the American flag. This is the same as going to Arlington National Cemetery and spitting on the graves of our war heroes. It is tantamount to telling a soldiers mother that her son who fought to protect others died in vain. When a soldier, a policemen, a firemen or other officer dies, his or h er family is given a flag to console and honor them. When people defame it, they are insinuating that it is worthless. Flag desecration has been occurring for many decades. Finally in 1989, the Supreme Court ruled that the burning of an American flag was a protected form of free speech. How can the burning of the national symbol be protected by the constitution, when the forefathers who forged it were so devoted to that flag? If George Washington or Thomas Jefferson saw his flag desecrated as a form of free speech, he would be outraged over the audacity and disrespect of the offender. Although many people believeShow MoreRelatedThe Supreme Court Of The United States1140 Words  | 5 Pagessacred. As a nation, we must pick our fights and the hills we die on. It will not and never should be considered treason to burn the flag, however there is, like with most things a catch twenty-two. Publicly and privately the burning of the flag is accepted as freedom of speech, but once this simple gesture turns into a hazard we must act. President Trump and conservatives may view it as weak, but a system of penalties or citations would be the correct form of punishment. We should follow the leadRead MoreFlag Burning In America Persuasive Essa Essay example1314 Words  | 6 Pages 2014 Instructor Benjamin Perlin The American Flag can be seen in many public places. You see it in schools, government building, stores and hanging in our homes. Those stars and strips are a symbol of freedom to many people across the nation. But is also represents civil liberties that became the pillars this country was founded upon. Flag Burning should be legalized because it allows those who feel disenfranchised the freedom of speech, the Constitutional right to protest and in many importantRead MoreFlag Burning - a Persuasive Essay1044 Words  | 5 PagesFreedom of Speech: Flag Burning Flag burning has been one of the most controversial forms of nonviolent protests. It is often linked with the Middle East and Hezbollah with depictions of Arabs against President Bush burning the American flag. Americans are intimidated and threatened by this action, but that does not make it illegal. Supreme Court rulings have upheld that peaceful flag desecration is a form of political speech that should be protected by our Constitution (Flag Burning Myths). Read MoreFlag Desecration Essay5209 Words  | 21 PagesFlag Desecration The issue of flag desecration has been and continues to be a highly controversial issue; on the one side there are those who believe that the flag is a unique symbol for our nation which should be preserved at all costs, while on the other are those who believe that flag burning is a form of free speech and that any legislation designed to prevent this form of expression is contrary to the ideals of the First Amendment to our Constitution. Shawn Eichman, as well as the majorityRead MoreGregory Lee Johnson950 Words  | 4 PagesLee Johnson lit the American Flag on fire. Why would a man disrespect a symbol such as the American flag, that represents freedom, liberty and democracy? Was he protected by the constitutions first amendment? The Supreme Court answered all these questions we had by voting in favor of Johnson. Johnsons intentions were only political, and he as the freedom of speech. The Supreme Court was correct on this decision on letting Johnson go, since he was protected b y his amendments, and no matter whatRead More The Flag-burning Debate Continues Essay examples1186 Words  | 5 PagesThe Flag-burning Debate Continues    Nazis captured Jim Rogers. He was routinely beaten and given barely enough food to survive. During the time he spent in a World War II prisoner of war camp, he managed to keep his sanity by scraping together bits and pieces of colored cloth in order to make an American flag. As his fellow prisoners began to die, it was his American flag which provided him with a sense of identity and gave him the inspiration to keep living.  It is no wonder, thenRead MoreThe American Flag: More Than Just a Piece of Cloth3674 Words  | 15 PagesThe American Flag is the most widespread symbol Americans have. It took a disaster to make me realize how important it is. I would always wave the flag in a parade or on the Fourth of July, but I never really stopped to think about what I was doing. The terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001 are what changed my view. They caused me to reflect about our country and the value of saying, â€Å"I am an American.†After September 11th, there was an explosion of patriotism. Flags were bought and hung everywhereRead MoreDesecration Of The United States Flag1821 Words  | 8 Pagesprotestors to burn or disrespect the flag, than to allow the government to repress our birth rights by banning desecration of the flag. Deemed offensive by many citizens, and a form of symbolic speech by others, the constitutionality of flag desecration has been in question since the late 1800s. D esecration of the United States flag is constitutional, as a form of symbolic speech and protected under the First Amendment, even though many citizens do find it offensive. The flag has been a symbol for the UnitedRead More Flag Burning and the First Amendment2123 Words  | 9 Pages   Your First Amendment rights are extremely close to being violated by none other than the United States Congress. I refer to the Flag Desecration Bill that, if passed, would do irreparable damage to our right to free speech and undermine the very priniciples for which the American flag stands. Fortunately, West Virginians have an ally in Sen. Robert C. Byrd. Sen. Byrd, who previously favored the bill, now fights to protect our rights by stopping the passage of this bill. I applaud his standRead MoreEssay on Proclaim Your Freedom of Speech – Burn a Flag!2195 Words  | 9 PagesProclaim Your Freedom of Speech – Burn a Flag!     This flag, which we honor and under which we serve, is the emblem of our unity, our power, our thought and purpose as a nation. It has no other character than that which we give it from generation to generation. The choices are ours (quoted in Smith 87). This statement by Woodrow Wilson summarizes the debate over a proposed amendment to outlaw burning of the American flag. Is this symbol of our nation too powerful to be defiled in our collective
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Hitler vs. Stalin Who Was Worse - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 741 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/06/18 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Adolf Hitler Essay Joseph Stalin Essay Did you like this example? Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were the greatest familiar and known totalitarian leaders in Europe. Hitler is to fault for the burst out of the II World War and for the idea of an ideology which caused the holocaust and agony of many countries. Stalin was a head of the Soviet Union up until 1953. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Hitler vs. Stalin: Who Was Worse?" essay for you Create order He was the originator of the Great Purges in 1937 and the collectivization which have affected an enormous quantity of victims in his own country. They both were very harsh and dreadful leaders who were cruel massive murderers who believed themselves as military geniuses. Hitler assassinated particularly foreign nationals. Stalin his own people. Hitler was more sensitive and sometimes made unwise judgments when livid which far along cost him greatly. Stalin was calmer and made his in a more sensible fashion. After 1938, Hitler became progressively more uncontrolled. Stalin was typically careful even after the defeat in 1945. Stalin was cooperative to a negotiation at moment in time. Hitler remained not. Hitler was an extreme racially prejudiced. Stalin was not because he was a Communist, he, too, had an aversion for Jews. Stalin, as a collective, believed the class struggle was the essential to considerate the humankind. In Hitlers outlook, it was the struggle between German-and the Jews. Both supposed in the relation of reproduction policies. They controlled the fertility rates through health care strategies, and emerging good policies was a key for an improved society. Hitler trained and supported eugenics, while Stalin never formally supported it. Hitler supposed that womankind should stay at home and educate their offspring, while the fellas work. Women stood to be decent wives, and assist in making of the right sort of kids. The Nazis had termination camps focused on killing the State of asocial elements. The camps in Soviet Russia were for the most part labor camps. Both Stalin and Hitler disallowed tolerance outright. Together Stalin and Hitler believed in having a sturdy army skillful by the State leader, and owed enormous quantities of possessions and capital to the expansion of such a durable army. Hitler was National Socialist and Stalin Communist, is an extremely significant difference, since this produced their hatred against each other. Hitler massacred masses of Jews, and other non-Aryans, while Stalin triggered the death of loads of farmers, which deceased because of the reason of food shortage, so on both individually sides many of individuals pass away, since of the political thoughts of their rulers. Hitler was a fascist that hated communism. He was patriotic about Germany and fought as a German warrior in WWI. He was above emotional and occasionally made unwise choices because of them. He had a dislike for Jews, and was a life-threatening racist. Hitler, even if he wanted to, would never have killed so many associates, military officers etc. He observed himself more as a widely held leader who was only overpowering those conspirators acting against the German society. Stalin was calmer and created his in a more logical manner. Stalins road to rule looked differently, as he did not need the livelihood of common people. Stalin was very suspicious, as known for his purges in 1937. He performed numerous Trotskyites and additional individuals not of the party. Stalin was recognized as a beyond sensible and patient man, as he listened to his war advisors. Hitler did not. The ideologies in whose name they devoted their mass slaughter were radically dissimilar. Stalins was built on class. Hitlers on race. Also Stalin was extra careful. In pursuit of his successes in WW2, he did not thrust his good fortune by looking for a head on hostility with the west. Hitler was irresponsible and constantly pushing his primary winning streak until finally he collected a massively powerful alliance against his country. And that alliance was eventually far off too powerful for him to succeed. Unfortunately, for him the alliance was joint in its objective which was his destruction. Stalin was married two times and had 3 children, Hitler had none. Stalin adored great food and wine, Hitler did not drink and was vegetarian Stalin listen a lot but speaks little, Hitler loved talking, hate listening Stalin had large mustache, Hitler had petite one. Hitler and Stalin had plenty of things that are common and that are different about each other. From the family, how they think even on how they look. Both men came a long way to do what they believed in until death do them appart.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Importance of Ethical Business Practices Walmart Law...
This issues study is aimed to explain the importance of ethical business practices which also include social responsibilities and will be compared to an example of an unethical business practice. It will explore the different unethical issues in business, the benefits of running an ethical business and this will be done with reference to a certain case study. Ethics are moral guidelines which govern good behavior. For a business to behave ethically, it must follow strict guidelines which ensure the health, safety and human rights of every employee within that business. Unfortunately, there are many cases were certain companies will not follow any ethical guidelines and may often lead to sickness and or/death of some or all employees.†¦show more content†¦Aside from sexual discrimination, there are many other unethical issues that can occur within businesses. These can include unfair wages, employing children under the legal working age and unsafe and unsanitary work practices. Having an unethical business may have its advantages, but they come with disadvantages and consequences as well. The main benefit from running an ethical business is that owners can avoid legal problems. This includes the penalties that may arise if a company gets caught after being unethical and legal fees and fines. This can cause long term damage if the public finds out by negative publicity. These things can lead to loss of loyal customers. Having loyal customers is a big part of the long range business success. It obviously plays a major part in funding for the company as they use the profit they make off the customers. By keeping a business running ethically, owners can ensure they are retaining good employees. Companies who are honest to their employees and treat them fairly and ethically have a better chance of keeping loyal employees, employees who are unhappy will not dedicate themselves to the company like a happy employee would and this leads to a negative work environment. Within a negative work environment, employees may begin to arrive late to work, start to do the wrong things and the worst cases can include theft. An example of an unethical business is Wal-Mart. There have been numerousShow MoreRelatedTarget Strategic Audit Essay15491 Words  | 62 PagesTarget needs to perform a detailed research on its e/m-commerce platforms and those of the competition. Since Target is the follower, without spending too much in RD it can take advantage of what Amazon has proven to be working and internalize those practices that increase number of visitors and transactions. Using focus group studies and split testing1 Target can pinpoint aspects of the platforms that work well, and areas that need improvement. Therefore, interface and content are the two areas of focusRead MoreWal-Mart: Strategic Management11571 Words  | 47 PagesWal-Mart: Strategic Management An in depth analysis of Wal-Mart and its global strategic management and electronic distribution Analysis for Business Policy: Strategic Management. Instructor: Dr. M. Reitzel, DeVry University, February 2007, Austin, TX. Members of the Team: Marcus Bedford Jon Cable Wayne Oulicky Constince Sanchez Table of Contents: Executive Summary.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.2 Problem Statement †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...2 Situational Description and Strategic Analyses †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreWal-Mart: Strategic Management11565 Words  | 47 PagesWal-Mart: Strategic Management An in depth analysis of Wal-Mart and its global strategic management and electronic distribution Analysis for Business Policy: Strategic Management. Instructor: Dr. M. Reitzel, DeVry University, February 2007, Austin, TX. Members of the Team: Marcus Bedford Jon Cable Wayne Oulicky Constince Sanchez Table of Contents: Executive Summary.†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.2 Problem Statement †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦...2 Situational Description and Strategic Analyses †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Read MoreManaging Information Technology (7th Edition)239873 Words  | 960 PagesTechnology Platform CASE STUDY I-7 Midsouth Chamber of Commerce (B): Cleaning Up an Information Systems Debacle CASE STUDY II-1 Vendor-Managed Inventory at NIBCO CASE STUDY II-2 Real-Time Business Intelligence at Continental Airlines CASE STUDY II-3 Norfolk Southern Railway: The Business Intelligence Journey CASE STUDY II-4 Mining Data to Increase State Tax Revenues in California CASE STUDY II-5 The Cliptomaniaâ„ ¢ Web Store: An E-Tailing Start-up Survival Story CASE STUDYRead MoreMerck Case18783 Words  | 76 PagesPharmaceuticals: Merck Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology Hiroshi Amari Working Paper No. 161 Working Paper Series Center on Japanese Economy and Business Columbia Business School December 1998 Columbia-Yale Project: Use of Software to Achieve Competitive Advantage PHARMACEUTICALS: MERCK Sustaining Long-term Advantage Through Information Technology Prepared by Hiroshi Amari Research Associate, Yale University William V. Rapp and Hugh T. Patrick Co-principalRead MoreFundamentals of Hrm263904 Words  | 1056 PagesPrinted in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Brief Contents PA RT 1 Chapter 1 Chapter 2 UNDERSTANDING HRM The Dynamic Environment of HRM 2 Fundamentals of Strategic HRM 28 PART 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 THE LEGAL AND ETHICAL CONTEXT OF HRM Equal Employment Opportunity 56 Employee Rights and Discipline 84 PART 3 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 STAFFING THE ORGANIZATION Human Resource Planning and Job Analysis 110 Recruiting 132 Foundations of Selection 154 PARTRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 PagesBRIEF CONTENTS 4 The Organization System 16 Organizational Culture 511 17 Human Resource Policies and Practices 543 18 Organizational Change and Stress Management 577 Appendix A Research in Organizational Behavior Comprehensive Cases Indexes Glindex 637 663 616 623 Contents Preface xxii 1 1 Introduction What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Importance of Interpersonal Skills 4 What Managers Do 5 Management Functions 6 †¢ Management Roles 6 †¢ Management SkillsRead MoreMarketing and E-commerce Business65852 Words  | 264 PagesIrrelevant? Insight on Business: Start-Up Boot Camp Insight on Society: Facebook and the Age of Privacy Case Study: The Pirate Bay: Searching for a Safe Haven CHAPTER 2 E-COMMERCE BUSINESS MODELS AND CONCEPTS Opening Case: Twitter’s Business Model Insight on Society: Foursquare: Check Your Privacy at the Door Insight on Business: Crowdfunding Takes Off Insight on Technology: Battle of the Titans: Music in the Cloud Case Study: Pandora and the Freemium Business Model CHAPTER 3 E-COMMERCERead Morepaul hoang answers72561 Words  | 291 Pages © Paul Hoang and IBID Press  1 Business Management – Answer Book Important message from the author Dear Colleagues, Thank you for purchasing my textbook and for the encouraging words that many of you have passed on from around the world. In the final installment, I have put together answers/solutions to all 217 case studies. I hope you will find these solutions as a useful starting point. As with all BM mark schemes, the solutions in this Answer Book should be used with cautionRead MoreModel Thesis31971 Words  | 128 PagesThe major finding of this study was that employees tended to perceive customers as more satisfied with services than customers reported themselves to be. The social change implications include using evidence to support changes in customer service practices that could result in increased customer satisfaction and increased patronage of fast food restaurants, both of which could increase service sector employment, salaries, and profitability. Customer Service Experience: A Quantitative Analysis
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Second Language Education
Question: Select a specific area within second language studies and identify three or four recent research-based articles which have made a significant contribution to the development of this area. Critically evaluate aspects of the articles, such as the research approach, quality and ethics. Suggest how these studies could be adapted for researching your own teaching and learning context which you are familiar with. Answer: Research Methods for Second Language Education Second Language is a language, which is not ones mother tongue. In this connection, the research on second language learning motivation is increasing day by day. Motivation, the term indicates ones motive force to learn the other language. Motivation is the most important factor, which affects the success of a language learner. Motivation plays a considerable role to develop the learning of a student to learn new languages. A student can be motivated to learn another language for emotion, desire, need to learn and for any other good reason. However, learners in the countries where English is not the mother tongue, lacks the appropriate level of motivation to learn English for various reasons. These reasons include teaching practices, English is not related to the real life conditions, lack of interest in English values and culture, etc. A less able student can achieve greater success if he is highly motivated. It can be assumed that one can be successful in any task because of his/he r motivation, so as of language learning, with motivation a learner can be successful. Sometimes, paucity of motivation of the learner is the reason for which the students performance, attendance and participation became low. Both teachers and researchers accepted that one of the factors, which influence the success of learning the foreign or second language, is motivation (Mao, 2011). Nowadays, the pressure is on the educational institutes to teach language classes more than earlier despite the students dislike it. The family also plays an important role to pressurise the student to learn English as to progress in academic and social life. In Taiwan, English taught from school to university. In addition, Taiwan has educational institutes outside the formal system of schooling where the medium of learning is English. Despite the English teaching, Taiwan is not very proficient in the language. It is because the students in Taiwan are not motivated and psychologically declined to learn English, which affects their English proficiency. Kinds of Motivation We found four kinds of motivation. First is integrative motivation. Person possessing integrative motivation learns a language other than that of his or her in order to integrate with the speakers of the native place. Secondly, the instrumental motivation means the language uses as a tool or instrument that allows one to achieve a goal for some reason. Thirdly, the intrinsic motivation, which means the learning motivation, comes from within. The last is the extrinsic motivation. For this, one is motivated to learn any other language as someone else can penalise or reward for it. Intrinsic motivation is the reason for long-term success, extrinsic motivation related to short-term gain (Salazar-Campillo, 2015). Motivation is the composite form of three elements of desire, effort and affect. Desire illustrates how much a learner wanted to be proficient in the language. Effort indicates to time that spent by the learner to study. And affects refers to the emotional reactions of the learner regarding the study of the language (Hinkel, 2011). The eminent researcher in the field of motivation is Robert Gardner, who has been working on the topic since 1970s. Gardner developed his socio-educational model from time to time and examined motivation from the integrative and instrumental perspective. Integrative motivation includes the desire to integrate one person into the target culture by adapting the parts of it into ones identity. Its example is that students of Taiwan use their English name wherever they can. Instrumental motivation described as desiring rewards by which action can be taken, for example, increasing rate in job opportunities and meeting requirements to the graduates. (Gardner, 2005) Mao implemented the research on motivation of second language and its application in reading class of the high school senior division to understand consequence of motivation on studying. He has collected data and concluded that the integrative and instrumental motivation together can influence on the improvement of the reading class. English teachers can take initiative to awaken students motivation by effective application in the reading class, and can assist the students to develop their integrative motivation in approaching the English learning. (Mao, 2011) There are many theories regarding the motivation. One of them is Self-Determination Theory (SDT) proposed by Deci and Ryan. This theory based on the intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Tasks considered as fun, interesting or enjoyable are intrinsic motivation. The tasks done for useful purposes, even if are not interesting, considered as extrinsic motivation. This theory later modified by Ryan and Deci (Csizr, et al. 2015). The second motivational theory proposed by Eccles and Wigfield is Expectancy-Value theory. They suggested that the four components of motivation are the attainment value, the intrinsic value, the extrinsic utility value and the cost. The attainment value described as perception of individual about the importance of the task. The intrinsic value means happiness, what one enjoys at the time of completing the task. The extrinsic value is anticipated usefulness of a completed task relating to goals of future of the individual. Cost described as recognised negative consequences of completing a task, including financial, emotional and physical cost (Jafari, 2013). The Self-Determination Theory and the Expectancy-Value Theory examined within a general environment of education. The socio-educational model always examined within a second language acquisition environment. English still is not considered as the second language in Taiwan, but a foreign language. The development of socio-educational model specifically based on the context of acquisition of second/foreign language and not in a general setting as adopted for the development of the two theories. Though English is not the second language of Taiwan, still the students of Taiwan have the opportunity to interact with English culture and language. Motivation is the socio-educational model and a complex phenomenon that offers a holistic approach. Thirdly, the AMTB used in some studies around the world that is found to be reliable, useful and relevant to identifying the components of learner motivation as well as the impact of motivation on learning outcomes (Gardner, 2001). The basic fundamental of putting English as a main language is to give a broader view of the people a global aspect. The skeleton structure of this was made keeping in mind the attitudes of the puipil towards learning English as the second language in comparison to the other languages provided in the syllabus. By keeping the feedbacks of the students learning the language by calculating the motivation given to them. Adding up to it is the maiontaining the value of customs and beliefs and then learning the subject and the importanvce of it in their eyes along with the consent of their parents. The perception or concept of the the guardians of the students, teachers and their fellow classmates on this particular sector. As per the assessment of the students and their verdict over the foreign language which was taught to them. The students were to give feedback on the scale of 5 and most of them were said that they did not like the language. On the scale of ranging from stringly disagree to strongly agree the first two sections did not like the subject. The five-point response scale concerning how many students liked the subject, resulting in a 16.1% of the puipils like the English subject as per the report given, 37% of the puipil liked English as a subject a little 33.3% of the puipil neither disliked nor did they like the subject, 9% of the puipil disliked it a little and 3.8% of the puipil completely disliked English as a language. The report thus drawn from the feedbacks of the students was slightly satisfying than it was expected. Foreign Language Learning Strategies Learning strategies are exclusive behaviours or thoughts by which individuals help them to learn, retain or comprehend new information (O'Malley and Chamot, 1990), and the procedures, which facilitate the learning at the novice stage (Chamot, 2005). Learners are assisted by the learning strategies to achieve their goals by taking the conscious actions, such as the students of Taiwan use to memorise what exactly their teachers teach them. Language learning strategies must be problem-oriented, should encourage the learners to become self-directed, and involve the learner more than his/her cognition. In addition, it must help learner to integrate and organise the new knowledge. The learning strategies may have an effect on the motivational state of the student. Taiwanese students became accustomed with the authoritarian teaching modes, so the strategies seem to be strange for them (Plonsky, 2011). An instrument, that measures the use of the learning strategies is Oxfords (1990) Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL). SILL consists of six types of strategies, these are cognitive, mnemonics, mega-cognitive, affective, compensation and social. Cognitive strategies include the interactions of the learner and how he processes the new information, for example, repeating new words, searching for patterns and practicing. By mnemonics strategies, one concern adopting the different path to remember like using semantic maps and pictures. Meta-cognitive strategies engage the plan to practice and improve target language, for example, seek the native speakers and engage them in language exchange. Affective strategies involve management of ones own emotions, for example, positive self-talk and relaxing. By compensation strategies, one deploy different modes to communicate when one found unknown gaps in target language. Social strategies involve interaction with others, for example, asking the questions and practicing with other students. Proposed Research Method There is studies to examine the relationships between three selected factors, i.e. foreign language motivation, foreign language learning strategies and foreign language anxiety. To research the educational phenomena, various methods may be used. Ary, Jacobs, Razavieh, and Sorensen (2010) explain the qualitative research methods as examining the setting in connection with context not attempting to predict the future by producing a rich account of the events. Quantitative research methods, attempting to predict the future by determining dependant factors associated with the phenomenon under examination by testing the relationships. After analysis, the conclusion would be formed by the deductive reasoning and would be dictated by statistical analysis of the results (Ary, et al. 2010). This study also examines the relationships between various factors as foreign language motivation, foreign language learning strategies and foreign language anxiety learning the second language. These factors try to predict the factor which collectively or individually influenced the achievements to learn the foreign language. The three basic instruments that have been used in the present study is extensively tested, developed and implemented in various situations of language learning program. These instruments are found to be highly reliable and fit for the purpose. So, quantitative research methodology deploying established the survey instruments used for this study appropriately. Descriptive Statistics In order to analyse the data adequately, various procedures will be implemented to set up the reliability and validity. The second set of data analysis procedures which will run, will be the descriptive analysis that shows the profile of the sample used. The information which is shown will be the medium, frequency distribution and standard deviation of the gender, age, study major and the number of years of English learning of the participant. Also the demographics descriptive analysis, the procedures will be run only to show the median level of anxiety of the participants, use of strategies of language learning, motivation by which one can learn a second or foreign language and the achievement of the foreign language at a particular point of time when the data collection will be taken. The independent factors have their own sub-scales and they will also include in descriptive analysis (Chang and Liu, 2013). The sub-scales of independent factors will be compared with the other independent factors for any statistically significant relationship. For example, the FLCAS has three sub-scales namely communication apprehension, test anxiety and fear of negative evaluation. There are four sub-scales of the AMTB, i.e. attitudes toward the learning situation, integrativeness, instrumental orientation and motivation. The six sub-scales of the SILL are mnemonics, cognitive, compensation, metacognitive, affective and social. These all sub-scales will be completed against each other. Each of the sub-scales of individual factors and achievement of foreign language will be compared with the final Pearsons correlation coefficient (Wigfield and Eccles, 2002). By inferential statistical procedures, they will test the impact and predictive nature of independent variables on the dependant, that being the foreign language achievement. The set of inferential statistical procedures to be run are multiple regression analysis. There are two parts which have to be completed. The first type multiple regression analysis uses the enter method with the collinearity diagnostics included. Factor that shows any value of more than 10 in the variance inflation factor (VIF) that will be removed. This will show the impact that each of the independent variables will have on the dependent variable. The impact of anxiety in foreign language, and/or foreign language learning strategies, and/or motivation to learn a foreign language will have on the foreign language achievement. The second multiple regression analysis to be run will be using the the stepwise method (Lepp-Kaethler and Drnyei, 2013). Why this study is important English is taught as the second or foreign language throughout the Taiwanese education system, yet Taiwan has slipped its position in the world rankings. The gestures of teaching English in the classroom are the combination of many factors. Previously, the researches focus on specialised areas which helped gaining an insight into a part of the psychology of the language learners. The areas discussed above are the motivation learning a second or foreign language, anxiety in the foreign language classroom and language learning strategies. Individually, the researchers were guided by these factors over the years. But these instruments and factors have been proven measures. It is time to combine these factors together and seek to reveal more of the holistic picture of foreign language acquisition (Mitchell, et al. 2013). Conclusion The acquisition of foreign or second language is a complex process involving a lot of factors. These include some personality factors specially non-intelligence factors, like the motivation, character, attitude, etc. The most significant factor among all the factors is motivation, which is the solution of learning (Dahmardeh and Hunt, 2012). When we examine the success of the learning of the second language, we found that motivation plays a vital variable (Mao, 2011). The best step to facilitate learning of a second language is to inform the learners about the requirements of motivation in the learning. Motivation for every student is different, as students with different characteristics should have different kinds of motivation to motivate themselves. With classroom motivation trainings, students will become more motivated. Both the teachers and students knew that more emphasis should be placed on other skills incorporating interesting life relating materials of their university cou rses, writing and their later professions. The teachers may help to motivate the students by involving them in choosing material for the class. Teachers also have the responsibility not to focus on the accuracy in language, but to see whether the students are sharing their ideas with each other. 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